CM Workshop 1 Repeat
9th June 2024
CM Workshop 2 Repeat
9th June 2024CM Workshop 2
Blinds – Building confidence, trust, and motivation for Beginners/Novice
Arena 2 (Outdoor)
with Collette May
at 13.45 through to 15.15
Out of stock
This workshop is aimed at novice/beginners to the sport. Often a topic not touched upon until older and more advanced, but Collette will explain the reasons why she teaches this concept early on. The workshop will explain how to teach blinds including its use in the shooting field, and ways to fix any problems that have occurred already such as spinning, sticking or refusing to go.
Collette will explain how important the foundations are to achieve a confident blind and how crucial it is to put things in place from an early age to help them on their journey to mastering challenging blinds. Looking down the sending arm, locking on to the target then running with pace to the dummy can all be done early on in preparation for more difficult blinds when older.
The following areas of training will be looked at:-
- Motivation for the target
- Maintaining straight lines when adding distance and distractions
- Sending position of dog and handler
- Marks and memories as building blocks to blinds
- Confidence in the send cue when no other cue is present (such as the dummy or shot)
- Directional simple blinds
The dog’s trust in their handlers requests is the goal.