Leanne has written two books.

‘Whose Walk Is This Anyway?’ aimed at teaching owners how to be able to go for a successful walk with their dogs.  The book outlines key skills and tools that your dog will need so that you can communicate successfully and enjoy taking your dog for a walk.

The cost of the book is £16 (plus £3.20 p+p UK only) (non UK please email for costs of shipping)

Where’s the Off Switch?‘ has been written to help you to provide your dog with all the tools he needs to be able to switch off in many different situations. It starts with teaching your dog to switch off in the house when you need to get on with all those everyday normal tasks, so that he becomes a pleasant companion around the home. The book then moves onto teaching your dog how to switch off in outdoor situations and then finally to switch off in a work or sport situation, in between doing their job or competing. Yes, it can be done!

Much of a dog’s time whether working or competing is spent waiting for their turn. It is much more efficient to have a calm, patient dog when he is waiting as it means that he can conserve both mental and physical energy and save it for when you need it the most. Just as important, it helps your dog to remain cognitive and able to focus on you in the most challenging and exciting circumstances.

The book costs £16 (plus £3.20 p+p UK only)(non UK please email for costs of shipping)

If you would like to order your copy please go to our online shop for UK residents.  For non UK residents please email Leanne for shipping costs.

Email: leanne@dogsrdogs.co.uk